
Trina Solar honoured as world’s first UL 61730-certified witness test laboratory

Trina Solar's State Key Laboratory PV Testing Centre has been certified as a witness test laboratory under the UL 61730 Witness Testing Data Program , awarded by the global product safety testing and certification authority UL. This makes it the world’s first UL 61730-certified witness test laboratory for PV products.

UL certified the testing centre as the world’s first exempt witness test laboratory under the UL 1703 Client Testing Data Program in 2012. From there Trina stepped up to meet the requirements of the new standard, becoming the global PV sector’s first witness test laboratory to be certified under UL 61730. This not only demonstrates the high regard in which the UL holds Trina Solar’s testing capabilities but also confirms that Trina comprehensively satisfies the UL-CCIC evaluation criteria for management systems, technical capabilities, personnel and environmental facilities.

Certified companies are allowed to use their own test resources and perform on-site testing of their own products, witnessed by a third-party inspection body, in line with the criteria in the standard. WTDP relieves companies of unnecessarily complex submission procedures, thus cutting certification times and costs, and improving the efficiency of company certification.

Zhou Wei, quality VPof Trina Solar, said that the company’s accession to UL 61730 WTDP certification further illustrates its prowess in quality control, and that this will greatly improve Trina’s ability to respond to the needs of the market in providing products. As a trustworthy, industry-leading global PV company, Trina Solar will continue to serve its customers using accurate, reliable and impartial test data, and by using solar energy to benefit all mankind, Ms Zhou said.

About the Trina Testing Centre

The Trina Testing Centre received accreditation from the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment in 2010. Its testing capability range now spans the international PV product testing standards IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 1703 and UL 61730, and fully supports a range of all-round testing ranging from product certification, material reliability testing, accelerated ageing testing and high-precision PV module/cell efficiency testing, through to material assessment and research.

About UL

UL was founded in the United States in 1894 as Underwriters Laboratories Inc. By increasing transparency and building trust, it provides support for products, solutions and innovative new products and technology, covering responsible design, production, marketing and procurement. UL moved into China in 1980, providing Chinese factories with tracking and inspection services and helping Chinese products to access the North American market. In China UL now has six laboratories, nine subsidiaries and their branches, and numerous UL-certified third-party partner laboratories and client laboratories. It provides Chinese manufacturers with local testing, certification, inspection, training and advisory services, helping them face the challenges raised by economic globalisation, and supporting Chinese companies to raise their international competitiveness.