Trina Solar, a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, together with other leading PV companies established 600W+ Photovoltaic Open Innovation Ecological Alliance in July 2020 to promote development of ultra-high power 600W+ modules. Recently, Stäubli, a pioneer and global market leader with its MC4 connector portfolio, announced joining the alliance by fully recognizing 600W+ modules’ high value.</p>
Trina Solar has reached a remarkable milestone, having shipped 100GW of modules in the 25 years since the company was founded in 1997. </p>
<strong>100GW, equivalent to planting 7.2 billion trees</strong></p>
Inspired by the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, Trina Solar was founded that year with its headquarters in China’s Changzhou city, making it one of the world’s earliest photovoltaic (PV) companies.</p>