With the launch of its 670W+ ultra-high-power modules in March 2021, Trina Solar led the industry into the 600W+ era and unleashed the full value of 210mm technology, bringing with it a sharp boost in PV efficiency and a decrease in LCOE. Cumulative global shipments of Trina Solar’s 210mm modules now exceed 16GW.</p>
TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd., has launched its Vanguard 1P single-row tracker at the World Future Exhibition Summit in Abu Dhabi.</p>
Trina Solar Co., Ltd. („Trina Solar“ oder das „Unternehmen“), weltweit führender Anbieter von PV- und Smart-Energy-Gesamtlösungen, feierte kürzlich gemeinsam mit dem deutschen Energieversorger Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW) die Eröffnung des Solarparks Weesow-Willmersdorf vor den Toren Berlins.</p>
TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd., has released a new white paper that explains the implementation of innovative solutions to increase tracker system lifecycle reliability and reduce operating and maintenance (O&M) costs.</p>
Trina Solar Co., Ltd. ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, today announced the recent successful grid connection of a 112MW PV power plant using Trina Solar 210mm Vertex 670W ultra-high power modules in Dachaidan, Qinghai Province (China). Covering an area of 217 hectares, the PV project can provide about 220,000 MWh green power per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 200,000 tons.</p>
Trina Solar Co., Ltd. ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, has been awarded as bankable by all survey respondents in the <em>2021 PV Module and Inverter Bankability report</em>, issued by BloombergNEF. With this report, Trina Solar is now the only module manufacturer to be rated as bankable for 6 consecutive years by 100% of the industry respondents participating in the annual BloombergNEF survey.</p>